What Is Hemp Oil?
Nutrition Facts
Hemp seeds are made up of 40 percent fat and 25 percent protein in the oil that is produced from the plant. The plant and oil is high in Omega-3 compounds, the same nutritional value as cold water fish. Hemp oil is made from the seeds and can be used for oil, capsule form and used in soaps or other personal care products.
Industrial Hemp
Due to the psychoactive effects of cannabis stavia in the form of marijuana use, industrial hemp plants are often used in the making of hemp oil. Industrial hemp is cultivated to have less of the psychoactive effects, making the hemp oil psychoactive free.
Therapeutic Effects
Therapeutic effects of hemp oil includes soaps that have the oil in them to moisturize dry skin; used in creams for the skin, including sun spots, wrinkles and precancerous cells and in shampoos for healthier hair. It is beneficial to reducing the risk of heart attacks and cholesterol buildup in the veins. Anti-inflammatory properties aide in the relief from pain for cancer patients and those suffering from arthritis.
Forms of Hemp Oil
Natural health food stores supply hemp oil in the form oil and/or capsules. Hemp oil has nutritional qualities and can be used as a salad dressing. It is not recommended for cooking as it has a low smoke threshold and shelf life. It needs to be stored cold or in a cool, dark place as it tends to spoil fairly quickly.
Testing is being done on hemp oil in the areas of more edible products. It may soon become available as a milk or tofu substitute. Hemp oil was used in quality paints before 1937 because of its drying properties. It is being tested in paint, detergents and varnishes and as an ethanol (diesel) fuel.
Hemp is making a comeback in that it is a renewable fiber source; in the making of cloth and food. Further reading on the benefits and uses of hemp oil is essential for the reader to get acquainted with the many useful properties of hemp.