What Foods Are Allowed on a Bland Diet?

Digestive problems like gastrinitis, reflux or ulcers can cause a great deal of pain. When that happens, a doctor will sometimes prescribe a bland diet for the sufferer. This diet is made up of foods that are easier on the stomach and intestines, and is intended to lower the level of pain while maintaining balanced nutrition. The patient should to try to keep eating from among all of the food groups while she is on the diet.
  1. Dairy Products

    • Dairy foods still life

      Dairy products are easily digested; therefore, there are no restrictions on dairy products in the bland diet. Milk, yogurt and cheeses can be consumed as part of any meal. Ice cream is also allowed in moderation, as long as it does not contain nuts or any other foods that are not allowed on the bland diet.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    • Juice with Watermelon slice

      Fruits and vegetables need to be included in the bland diet, but only some are safe. The dieter can eat cooked vegetables like carrots, green beans, peas, and squash, while avoiding gassy vegetables like peppers, broccoli and onions. All canned fruits are safe. Fresh bananas, grapefruit and oranges are also acceptable. No other fruits should be eaten while on a bland diet, as many of them are very hard on the digestive system. In addition, 100 percent fruit or vegetable juices are recommended, and can accompany all meals.

    Breads and Other Carbohydrates

    • White Bread

      Most people should choose whole-grain bread over refined white bread, because it is better for overall health and wellness. But for people on a bland diet, refined white breads are the best choice. White breads have less fiber than whole-wheat breads, and are much gentler on the digestive system. The bland diet also allows for many other carbohydrate choices; some of them are oatmeal, pasta (with cheese sauce rather than tomato), white rice, white and sweet potatoes, and corn flakes (with or without milk).


    • Woman cooking fish on grill

      When incorporating protein into the bland diet, you need to avoid greasy options. Baked or grilled chicken is fine, but fried chicken should never be consumed. Greasy hamburgers are not an option, either. Fish and seafood are allowed. Protein choices are not limited to meat, however. They also include soy products (like tofu or soy protein shakes), eggs, bacon and smooth peanut butter.


    • Chocolate cake

      Snacking should always be done in moderation. Keeping that in mind, there are very few snack foods that are forbidden by the bland diet. A person on a bland diet can eat cake, ice cream, cookies, Jell-o, pudding, marshmallows, chocolate and hard candy. Off-limits are snacks that are greasy or high in fiber, like popcorn and potato chips. As long as most of the diet is made up of healthier choices, snacking is acceptable.

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