What Are Peptides Used For?
Silk is a string of peptides formed into a structure called a beta pleated sheet. Silk is strong, light, and durable due to the way peptides are bonded and the protein folds. Silk is produced from spiders and certain worms. Its peptide structure is important for the survival of the organisms to catch food and protection from the elements.
Collagen has been a focus for cosmetic industries as the cure for wrinkles. Collagen is a part of the skin that makes it tight and firm and keeps wrinkles from appearing. The sun destroys collagen, causing it to die prematurely. Several cosmetic companies offer collagen in products to reverse the progression of wrinkles. Moisturizing also protects collagen from damage, leaving skin healthier.
HIV Treatment
HIV is an RNA virus that infects immune cells. More specifically, they infect the T-cells, inhibiting the body's ability to destroy invading microbes. Researchers at Purdue University have developed enzymes that prevent the dimerization of HIV's structure. The inhibition of HIV's bonds allows drugs to interfere with the attachment of the virus to cells, limiting the amount of infection in people.
Peptides are the building blocks of proteins, and proteins form hemoglobin. Hemoglobin circulates the oxygen from the air you breathe to the tissue and organs in the body. However, researchers at West China School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine have found that hemoglobin also helps protect against invading bacteria. The researchers used purified peptides against invading E. coli in the vagina, and laboratory results showed an improvement of the tissue and reduction in inflammation.
Cancer Prevention
Peptides have been associated with the cancer prevention function of soy products. Research at the University of Illinois showed that peptides in soy help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and aid in the body's defense against cancer. Elvira de Mejia is a food science professor at the college, and she also believes the anti-obesity peptide has been found through soy nutrition research.