Diet for MS Sufferers
The Swank Diet
The Swank diet is a popular diet among sufferers of MS. Dr. Roy Swank came up with the diet around 1946 and it has proven to be very effective in helping many people suffering with MS live long, healthy lives. The Swank diet involves cutting out fats and eating a lot of fiber, eliminating processed foods with lots of oily fats. A big part of the diet is eating a lot of whole grains, such as cereals, breads and pastas and avoiding bleached, enriched foods. Reducing consumption of foods or drinks that have caffeine, as well as sweets or desserts, is also recommended. Taking nutritional or dietary supplements, cod liver oil, a multivitamin, vitamin C and vitamin E is also an important component of the diet.
MS Healthy Eating Plan
Another diet is the MS Healthy Eating Plan, which again advocates for lowering fat in the diet. One difference between this and the Swank diet is that this plan recommends eating foods that have polyunsaturated fats, whereas the Swank diet recommends limiting their intake. Polyunsaturated fats are good for immunity and brain/nervous system health. Fish is also highly recommended for its levels of omega oils.
Paleolithic Diet
Roger MacDougall implemented the Paleolithic Diet when he was diagnosed with MS. He believes that as a result of following this diet, his symptoms were reduced dramatically. This diet is very different from the others listed in that there are no grains or wheat included at all--absolutely no gluten--and milk products are also eliminated. It stresses eating low-fat, unprocessed foods. It also recommends several supplements, including the B vitamins, Lecithin, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin E and calcium.
Because this diet eliminates the intake of so many foods, this diet would require a great adjustment on the patient's part.
Healthy Diet
Most doctors recommend a normal diet for patients with MS, only lowering fat intake and increasing protein, since protein is known to build the body back up after injury or illness. Omega oils are highly recommended for their ability to fight off inflammation in the body. A diet high in fiber with a lot of whole grains is also the general rule, although gluten may need to be cut out since people with MS can have reactions to this ingredient. Processed foods and sweets and even caffeine should be cut out. Dietary supplements are also recommended, such as zinc, B vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin C.
It is important for the patient to follow his doctor's advice when it comes to dietary regimes, but it's also important to try different tactics and find the diet that works for his lifestyle, body and condition.