Foods That Cause Low Thyroid Function
Soy is a goitrogen, which has been repeatedly shown to negatively impact the thyroid. Avoiding large amounts of soy products is a good approach to helping thyroid issues.
Calcium Supplements
Calcium supplements, antacids and foods with high amounts of calcium in them should not be consumed when taking thyroid medication because they can interfere with the absorption.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage have significant amounts of goitrogens that negatively impact thyroid function. Cooking the vegetables can reduce the amount of goitrogens present in the food.
Dairy products contain hormones and antibiotics that can put even greater stress on your endocrine system. The casein in dairy products further disrupts its functioning.
According to Dr. Cass Ingram in his book, Eat Right or Die Young, sugar can burn out adrenal and thyroid glands. If too much sugar is ingested, it can even destroy the thyroid.