What Are Flaxseeds Good for?
Origin of Flaxseed
As the name would suggest, flaxseed is the seed of the flax plant. The plant is native to Mediterranean and Indian regions, but has spread and can be found growing across North America in the United States and Canada. The plant produces fibers that can be used to produce a wide variety of items from paper goods to rope and twine to clothing.
Health Benefits
Flaxseeds have been believed to aid in everything from promoting healthy hair, nails and skin to helping prevent cancers. While not all of these are proven, they are known, however, to contain essential fatty acids (EFAs), most notably omega-3, which is found in fish and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. Studies have shown that flaxseed can reduce levels of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol. They are also high in fiber and can help with digestive tract problems.
Whole flaxseeds generally come in two colors---golden and brown. There is no definitive answer as to which variety is healthier. They are larger than sunflower seeds and usually have a soft crunch. When eating whole flaxseeds, it is important to chew them thoroughly, as the body has a hard time digesting them otherwise. The nutrients in ground flaxseed are much easier to digest and have all the benefits of the whole seed. However, once ground, flaxseed must be kept away from light and heat to keep its potency. Flaxseed oil, like the ground variety, is easy to digest and does not lose potency as easily. Studies on the oil are incomplete, though early tests suggest it can reduce inflammation and aid in treatment of arthritis and lupus.
Adding flaxseed to a diet can be easy an inexpensive. You can find bread and other baked products containing flaxseed at stores. If you prefer to do it yourself, you can grind whole flaxseeds and include them in your baked goods. It can also be mixed into oatmeal, yogurt or milkshakes as a topping. As a dietary supplement, flaxseed oil should be taken once or twice a day with a meal.
Even though flaxseed is a natural product, it is still possible for it to interact with drugs you may be taking. If you are taking medications for diabetes, blood thinning or any type of hormone, consult your doctor before including flaxseed in your regular diet.