What is Acai Berry?
The acai berry is found mostly in Central America and South America. It is particularly prevalent in Brazil, as well as other areas of the Amazon Rainforest. The acai berry comes from the acai palm and has a pit. The acai berry is very similar to a grape in appearance and size. It has a unique nutritional makeup that allows those who eat or otherwise ingest it to reap many health benefits.
Antioxidant Composition
Acai berries contain an amazing dose of antioxidants--between 15 to 30 times more than is found in grapes and red wine. Specifically it is composed of anthocyanins--one type of antioxidant that is associated with fruits.
Protein and Fiber
The acai berry also has surprisingly high levels of protein and fiber for a fruit. Fiber aids your body in digestion and can help provide a healthier heart, while protein is an essential macronutrient needed for muscle growth and maintenance.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in acai berries. Omega-3's are typically associated with food such as olive oil, fish or avocado. Omega-3 fatty acids are a healthy, essential kind of fat which can work to lower bad cholesterol levels and raise good cholesterol levels.
Other Nutrients
The acai berry also has a full complement of important vitamins. It is particularly strong in Vitamin C and Vitamin E. It has little unhealthy fat, making it low in calories and an all around healthy food that can be incorporated into any nutritious diet program.
The acai berry has many different benefits. Antioxidants can fight off free radicals, prevent long-term aging and illnesses, increase metabolism and improve eyesight. The omega-3 fatty acids can improve your cardiovascular health, and the protein and fiber can help regulate and round out your diet. Preliminary studies have even shown the potential is present for acai berry to prevent or fight off cancer.