Muscle Definition Diets
Meal Frequency
To increase your metabolic rate, eat multiple, small meals spread throughout the entire day. Replace the three square meals a day routine with between five and seven meals. This will keep your body fueled and your energy levels high, and will keep your metabolism busy burning calories all day. You'll also prevent yourself from overeating, since you never allow your body to become too hungry.
Protein is the essential macronutrient for building muscle. When you want to build a significant amount of lean muscle mass, you should eat a minimum of 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. Therefore, a 200-lb. man would need to eat 200 g of protein every day to ensure that he is adequately fueling his muscles for growth, repair and maintenance.
Macronutrient Split
Your nutritional plan should derive its caloric totals with a split of 40 to 45 percent protein, 30 to 35 percent carbs and 20 to 30 percent fat. Protein is of the main importance so it is put directly to use in building muscle. Carbohydrates are important to maintain your energy supply, and healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids taken from olive oil, fish and avocado will help to keep you full and satisfied while supporting overall body health.
Total Calories
You will need to be strict with the total amount of calories that you eat. To start your plan, you can keep your caloric intake the same as before on days you workout, since you will be burning off lots of calories. On days you rest, reduce your caloric intake by about 15 percent. For faster results, reduce your caloric intake every day by 10 or 20 percent. It's important to make every meal nutritious when you want muscle definition. You have to limit total calories but also maintain a huge protein supply, which sometimes is a difficult line to walk.
Water and Beverages
Water is a crucial component of a muscle definition diet. You need to drink plenty of water every day to ensure that your body is properly hydrated. This will leave you with more energy and will help to distribute the nutrients you ingest to all areas of your body. It will also speed up your digestive and metabolic processes. Beverages such as sodas, fruit juices, coffee and alcohol should be left out of your plan as much as possible.