Foods That Contain Ellagic Acid
Ellagic acid was first studied in the 1960s to determine if it had any blood clotting benefits. It has since been deemed a potential cancer-fighting nutrient because researchers have found that it may slow the growth of certain types of tumors. It is an antioxidant that reduces the effects of estrogen and may help the liver break down cancer-causing substances in the blood. Although more research is needed to support these claims, eating foods that contain ellagic acid may offer several other health benefits.
Types of Foods
Ellagic acid is found in the following types of foods: raspberries, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberry seed extract, raspberry leaves, and grapes. The highest levels of ellagic acid are found in freeze-dried berries.
Some foods that contain ellagic acid have several health benefits. The Cancer Cure Foundation, an organization that has been providing information on alternative and integrative therapies since 1976, has listed red grapes as one of its cancer-fighting foods. Grapes contain reserveratrol which inhibits cancer-cell growth, and ellagic acid which can block enzymes that contribute to the growth of tumors.
Raspberries, pomegranates and strawberries are rich in antioxidants and can protect cells from free radical damage, and promote healthy cell regeneration.
The American Cancer Society reports that ellagic acid and foods that contain ellagic acid may have several anti-cancer properties. Since the compound serves primarily as an antioxidant, the number of cancer cells and rate of cell growth may be decreased. Ellagic acid may also help to reduce heart disease, liver problems and birth defects.
People who increase consumption of foods that contain ellagic acid may be able to ward off certain types of illnesses and disease.
Eating foods that contain ellagic acid is considered to be safe, and should become a part of a balanced diet. However, there is no research to support the claims that eating foods high in ellagic acid alone is a treatment for cancer or certain types of diseases. Anyone who wants to increase their intake of foods containing ellagic acid to treat a health problem should consult with a physician.