How Much Cholesterol Is Too Much?
The National Cancer Institute defines cholesterol as "A waxy, fat-like substance made in the liver, and found in the blood and in all cells of the body."
LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotien) is the "bad" cholesterol. When there's too much moving through the bloodstream, it builds up in the form of arterial plaque. HDL (High-Density Lipoprotien) is the "good" sort, as its job in the body is to carry cholesterol to the liver, where it's removed from the body.
HDL/LDL Levels
In the case of HDL, you want higher numbers. Low levels of HDL (under 40 mg/dL for males, or 50 mg/dL for females) mean higher risk for cardiac disease. For LDL, however, the goal is a low number--anything over 160/dL is in the danger zone.
Healthy-range HDL levels in elderly folks have been shown to preserve brain function and slow the rate of mental decline.
Triglyceride is a kind of fat, not a kind of cholesterol. It's related, however, because patients with elevated triglyceride levels very often have a high level of cholesterol in their bodies, so doctors test for it to get the full picture.
Fun Fact
Healthy levels of cholesterol are manufactured in the liver, so you don't actually need to consume cholesterol to be healthy.