What Are the Health Benefits of Red Ginseng Tea?
The Korean red ginseng is made from the roots of the plant when it is at least six years old. The plant grows wild in 100 percent organic conditions in Southeast Asia. It is also widely cultivated under organic conditions in Korea because the soil and climate are best suited to its growth. The red ginseng root contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, essential oils and natural enzymes.
About five or six slices of raw ginseng root are required to make one cup of tea. Powdered tea purchased in tea bags has been ground to provide the easiest access. Raw or bagged tea should be steeped for at least five minutes to gain the full effects of the healing roots. Longer steeping makes stronger tea. Red ginseng is typically sweeter than green ginseng, but both can be sweetened further with sugar or honey. Ginseng tea bags and loose tea can be reused two or three times.
The active ingredients in red ginseng, also known as panax ginseng, are ginseocides, which have been clinically shown to reduce inflammation, and serve as natural antioxidants. Doctors at the American Academy of Family Physicians warn that the roots can be harmful when taken in conjunction with other medications such as insulin and phenelzine. Ginseng products often are used in conjunction with other herbs and vitamins to increase physical stamina, improve immune functions and reduce the effects of diabetes.
Researchers at the American Society for Nutrition have found proof that red ginseng, as well as other ginseng root teas, does provide sufficient anti-inflammatory properties as to be potentially beneficial for a number of diseases, including cancer. In work with mice, the scientists found the root was able to inhibit the growth of tumors. Claims have been made that red ginseng can also assist in helping overcome impotence and reduce the recurrence of gastric cancer.
Other Healing
Red ginseng is touted for its many healing properties. The Chinese used it as a qi tonic to increase both mental and physical acuity. Other areas that can benefit from red ginseng tea include increased blood circulation, lower cholesterol, improved respiratory and digestive systems and lowering blood sugar levels. The root is used to increase the appetite of adults and children sick from other illnesses and to relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia. Some believe red ginseng tea can help fight drug addiction and chemical dependency.