What Nutrients Are in Green Beans?
Green beans are simply loaded with vitamins from all over the alphabet--vitamins A, B, C, E and K. They contain over a quarter of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C, a nutrient necessary for a healthy immune system. Vitamin K helps regulate blood clotting and calcium use in the body. Green beans are the mother lode of vitamin K, containing a whopping 120 percent of the RDA. The other vitamins are just as necessary for our growth and health.
Any green vegetable will also be a great source of minerals, and green beans are no exception. They contain over 10 necessary minerals, including phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. These are needed for proper bone health, blood vessel stability and nerve function.
Other Health Benefits
Besides all the vitamins and minerals, green beans also sport many other health benefits. They are high in fiber--4 g of fiber per cup, which is nearly 20 percent of the RDA for adults. Fiber is necessary for many body functions to work properly.
Green beans are full of water, something that very few people get enough of. They also contain protein, the main building block of our bodies.
Ways to Eat Green Beans
Although eating green beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner would be very good for you, that could get monotonous. However, there are many ways to prepare this delicious food, which should provide plenty of variety.
Besides being quite good raw, they can be lightly steamed and eaten plain or with butter. Another way to cook them is to spread them out on a well-oiled cookie sheet. Bake them in a 350-degree F oven for about half an hour, or until slightly roasted. Salt generously, and eat hot.
Green beans are a powerhouse food, besides tasting fresh and delicious. They provide nearly every type of nutrient: vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Their bright green color and juicy flesh make them a pleasure to eat. They can be a snack food, a gourmet dish or simply a family-friendly side dish. What more could you ask for?