Negative Side Effects of Whey Protein
Lactose Intolerance
Whey protein is a dairy by-product, creating the possibility for people who are allergic to lactose or who are lactose intolerant, to have a negative or allergic reaction (see link in Resources)
Over consumption of whey protein may cause minerals, including calcium, to be leeched from the bones with the possibility of the development of osteoporosis (see link in Resources).
Type 1 Diabetes
A link between milk and Type 1 diabetes has been established. Whey protein is a by-product of milk and a cause of concern for those at risk for this disease (see link in Resources).
Organ Damage
Excess ketone levels in the blood as the result of carbohydrate restriction and over consumption of whey protein, as well as other animal proteins, can lead to a condition known as ketosis with the possibility of kidney or liver damage (see link in Resources).
Kidney Stones
Excessive levels of calcium and phosphorous in the urine can occur with the excessive consumption of whey protein and lead to the development of kidney stones (see link in Resources).