What Minerals Are Found in Kidney Beans?
One cup of kidney beans contains approximately 130 micrograms or 177 percent of the daily value for molybdenum. This important mineral is needed in only very small quantities; it strengthens teeth and bones, helps to metabolize carbohydrates and fats and helps the body to use iron. A shortage of molybdenum is associated with certain types of cancer, impotence in older men and mouth and gum disease.
Kidney beans are a good source of manganese, providing 42 percent of the daily value, or 0.84 mg, in a single one-cup serving. Manganese helps regulate blood sugar, build and maintain healthy cartilage, bones, and joints and utilize thiamine and vitamin E.
Iron-deficiency anemia is a common ailment in our society; many people search for ways to increase their iron intake without eating the red meat that is often recommended for this condition. Kidney beans can provide 5.20 mg, or almost 30 percent of the daily value for this essential mineral, in a one-cup serving.
It can be difficult to get enough magnesium in your diet, and many people don't get the recommended amounts daily. Containing over 79 mg per cup, kidney beans provide 19 percent of the daily value for this mineral. Magnesium helps the body use calcium and potassium, maintain cardiovascular health and regulate body temperature and the correct pH balance.
Kidney beans are a good source of potassium, providing 20 percent of the daily value, or 713 mg, per cup. Potassium is an essential mineral that helps to maintain a regular heart rhythm, stable blood pressure and a proper balance of water in the body. Elderly people often have an increased need for potassium, due to naturally occurring decreases in kidney function.
Other Minerals
Kidney beans contain other minerals as well, but in smaller quantities. They are a good source of copper and phosphorous. Calcium, zinc and selenium are also supplied by kidney beans.