What Is the Nutritional Value of Chocolate Milk?
Milk can be combined with powdered mix, cocoa and sugar, chocolate syrup, or melted chocolate to make chocolate milk. Depending on how it is made and what ingredients you choose, the nutritional value will fluctuate.
Chocolate milk has 220 calories, 70 of those are from fat. It is not necessarily a low calorie item. For an individual who consumes 2,000 calories a day, this is equivalent to 11 percent of the daily recommended value (DRV). Sweet foods tend to leave you craving more; one serving can easily turn into two or three.
One serving has 8 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated fat. Again, for one serving, this is a large portion of your daily value. As long as you are monitoring the your fat intake from other food sources, room can be made in any diet for a glass of chocolate milk.
One serving has 27 grams (or 9 percent of your daily recommended value) of carbohydrates. 26 of those grams are sugar. While it may seem like this is a lot of sugar, recent studies have shown that the ratio of protein to carbohydrates in chocolate milk is ideal for muscle recovery after intense exercise. Milk alone can have as much as 20 grams of sugar. The chocolate is not adding much more.
Chocolate milk is a great source of protein. One serving provides 8 grams or 16 percent of your daily recommended value. Protein is essential for muscle repair and building. For young kids, protein provides the fuel they need to support a growing body.
Vitamins and Minerals
Chocolate milk provides 10% of your vitamin A, 4% of your vitamin C, 30% of your calcium, and 25% of your vitamin D. The pairing of vitamin D and calcium is a real benefit. Calcium can't be absorbed effectively unless your body has enough vitamin D. Chocolate milk provides both nutrients for optimal calcium absorption.
Use nonfat milk and low sugar chocolate for a healthier drink. Using dark chocolate is another healthy option since it contains several antioxidants that help to eliminate free radicals in your body. Several chocolate milk powders are manufactured to be low calorie and low fat, but the calories are reduced by eliminating healthy contents such as protein.