Reasons to Eat a High Fiber Diet
Fiber is an important part of your digestion. It moves through your body without being absorbed which helps keep your bowel movements regular.
Eating a high fiber diet can actually help you keep a healthy body weight. When you eat fiber filled foods they tend to absorb water and expand in your stomach. This helps create the feeling of fullness which will lead you to eat less at a given meal and eat less often between meals. Eating high fiber foods on a regular basis could help reduce your overall calorie intake without enduring hunger pains while trying to do so.
Alleviate Conditions
Because fiber moves through your system relatively quickly it can help alleviate symptoms of conditions you may suffer from. For instance, if you suffer from constipation, eating high amounts of fiber will help you overcome this as it binds to food and moves through your system. Eating fiber will soften your stools, making it less likely that you have to strain when you go to the bathroom, which can help alleviate hemorrhoid problems caused from straining in your rectum. Since fiber can be binding, it can also help lower cholesterol as it binds to other foods and moves through your system.
Vitamins and Minerals
High fiber foods do not contain fiber alone. Fiber is generally found in fruits, vegetables and beans. In addition to get the fiber benefits from these foods you will also be consuming loads of other vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.
Since fiber absorbs water and expands in your system, you will want to drink a good deal of water when you eat fiber-rich foods. Doing this will benefit your digestion and aid to your feeling of fullness. You will benefit not only from the fiber, but from having a body that is fully hydrated as well. Get in the habit of drinking a tall glass of water each time you eat a fiber-rich food.