What Is Bifidus Regularis?
Importance of Bacteria in the Colon
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract has two main parts: the small intestines and the colon, or large intestines. The colon absorbs water and allows wastes and toxic to be removed from the body. The bacterial microflora in the colon is responsible for keeping the colon functioning at the highest level. However, when the intestinal bacteria is unbalanced, it can lead to malfunctioning of the colon, which can slow down digestion.
The literal meaning of the word "probiotic" is "for life." Probiotics are tiny organisms that benefit the health of a person who consumes them, beyond normal nutrition. They add "good" bacteria into the digestive tract, which makes the digestive process run more smoothly. Some probiotics can also help control yeast infections or urinary tract infections.
What Bifidus Regularis Does
Bifidus Regularis is one type of probiotic, designed specifically for Dannon Activia yogurts. It is made of live strains of active bacterial cultures. These cultures are healthy for the colon, replacing "good" bacteria that can be depleted by age or antibiotic use. A study published in Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease shows that Bifidus Regularis is successful in moving material through the colon quickly and efficiently, a factor of digestion that is called "transit time." The faster the transit time, the healthier the digestive tract.
Dannon Activia
Dannon's line of Activia yogurt contain billions of Bifidus Regularis cultures. The study published in Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease also showed that consumption of four ounces of Activia yogurt can improve transit time---the amount of time it takes for material to travel through the colon. Activia Light has the same number of Bifidus Regularis cultures but fewer grams of sugar and is therefore a better choice for dieters or diabetics.
Probiotics are not medications or laxatives. They are simply organisms that can help the body if consumed regularly. Bifidus Regularis does not contain fiber (although some yogurts that contain the probiotic also contain fiber). Bifidus Regularis can be consumed by children and all ages of adults without concern.