What Is an Omega-3 Vitamin?
Definition of Omega-3
According to the American Heart Association, Omega-3 is a fatty acid that comes from certain types of fish. While it is a "fatty acid," it is good for the human body.
Omega-3 Vitamins
Some Omega-3 vitamins aim to give you the recommended daily amount of the Omega-3 that you should have. Others attempt to "overload" by giving you more of the Omega-3 than recommended. According to the AHA, too much Omega-3 can cause excessive bleeding.
The AHA has done extensive research, showing that Omega-3 (in the form of Omega-3 vitamins) can seriously help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 vitamins can help "reduce triglyceride levels" and "decrease growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque," major causes of heart issues.
Types of Vitamins
Some Omega-3 vitamins have nothing but pure Omega-3 oil in them. Other Omega-3 vitamins attempt to give you multiple vitamins by mixing the Omega-3 with other needed vitamins and nutrients.
Omega-3 comes from certain type of fatty fish, including (as listed by the AHA) mackerel, albacore tuna and salmon, among other types of fish. Each fish will have different amounts of this specific fatty acid.