What Are Considered Lean Protein Foods?
Eggs are very low in calories, weighing in at 70 per serving, with five grams of fat. Eggs are very healthy and filling, whether scrambled or made into an omelet. Hard-boiled eggs make a great lean snack between meals. You can also use just the egg whites to make an even leaner dish. Egg substitutes are available where eggs are sold, and they are very lean yet high in protein.
Dairy is another high-protein food. But be careful when eating dairy--some things are very high in fat. Choose low-fat milks such as skim or 1 percent. Cottage, feta and ricotta cheeses are good choices. Protein shakes containing whey protein are also an excellent source of dairy protein.
Fish is an extremely health lean protein. Flounder and tilapia are the best choices. Canned tuna and salmon contain fat, but it is very healthy. Fish oil supplements and foods that contain fish oil regulate metabolism and hormones, and also reduce inflammation that can lead to diseases. Shellfish, especially shrimp and lobster, are good. Avoid deep-fried fish.
Meat and Poultry
Look for the leanest cuts, and also remember that white meat is leaner than red. Chicken or turkey are both good options, at 25 to 26 grams of protein per serving.
Lentils, black beans and soy nuts are great choices. Black bean soup is high in protein, and there are delicious low-fat products on the market. Soybeans have a lot of protein as well. Look for low-fat tofu or soy patties that you can substitute for high-fat ground beef for a lean "burger."