Is Soy Bad for Men's Health?
Soybeans have been grown and cultivated in Asia for thousands of years and weren't introduced to Europe and The United States until the 1700s. In the 1920s, Americans started using soy as a dietary item, and it has progressed to how we know it today.
Soy can be found in many different ways and forms. It has been turned into an easy product to find in your local market. You can purchase soy milk, various types of tofu, soy hot dogs, soy protein powder, and even soy in its natural state as edamame. Some soy products are vegan, without any dairy products, and others are simply vegetarian.
Effects on Men
Isoflavones are very similar to the hormone estrogen, which is not found in large amounts in men. When large amounts of soy are ingested it may affect testosterone levels. When testosterone levels are lowered, there are many adverse effects on men. This can include weight gain, lower sperm count, lack of sex drive, and erectile problems. Testosterone levels in men lower after the age of 30 naturally. Adding large amounts of soy to a man's diet may not assist with maintaining healthy testosterone levels.
Soy is high in antioxidants, which is beneficial to healthy living. Soy has been linked to helping lower cholesterol levels due to its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also beneficial in lowering risks of prostate cancer due to being full of antioxidants and isoflavones. Soy is also considered helpful in fighting cancer, lowering blood pressure and building bone strength.
Soy isn't just for women. Just because isoflavones are similar to estrogen doesn't mean soy isn't healthy and helpful for men. A recommended dose of soy is 25 grams daily. Mega doses of soy would have to be taken over a length of time for reactions such as enlarged breasts and shrunken testicles. A mega dose would be considered at least 30 times the daily recommendation.
Soy is beneficial to men's health when taken in moderation. It seems that soy's adverse effects are very small in comparison to its potentially helpful qualities for men.