Which Foods Contain the Most Fiber?
Types of Fiber
The two types of fiber are soluble, which dissolves in water, and insoluble, which does not. Insoluble fiber is not absorbed by the body but absorbs excess water to keep the bowels flowing smoothly. Soluble fiber gels in the stomach to prolong the feeling of fullness and slow the digestive system so the body can absorb nutrients and keep the blood sugar at a normal level.
Cooked artichoke is one of the highest-fiber foods, with 10 grams per serving. Peas follow closely in second with 8 grams per serving. Other vegetables high in fiber include carrots, sweet corn and potatoes with the skin.
Beans and Nuts
Lentils and beans contain about 15 grams of fiber for each one-cup serving. Nuts add about 3 grams per ounce. Sunflower seeds are the highest in fiber.
Apples and pears should be eaten fresh with the skin on to get the most fiber from the fruit. They can add as much as 5 grams of fiber per piece. Raspberries offer the best source of fiber, with one cup containing 8 grams.
Grains and Pasta
Of the grains, barley, oats and bran contain the most fiber. One cup gives the body 6 grams. Whole wheat pasta adds about the same. Multigrain breads contain only about 1 or 2 grams of fiber per slice.
Another benefit of adding more fiber to the diet is weight loss. Fiber gives the body a more full feeling. This feeling also lasts longer than with a diet low in fiber. A person is likely to eat fewer times during the day because the body does not feel hungry.