Red Marine Algae Health Benefits
There are plenty of different types of algae in the sea, and they are often classified by their color. Red algae, which ranges in color, actually, from brown to deep purple and red in between, is a common type that is also used as a nutritional supplement. It has been used traditionally in Chinese medicine years and years ago. Today, it can be found in pill or topical form and has a number of varying health benefits.-
Immune System
Red marine algae has a number of antioxidants in it. These help to build up the body's immune system by fighting off free radicals that can cause oxidation damage to cells.
Cold Sores
As a topical ointment, red marine algae is best known for its use in combating cold sores. Its ability to fight viruses and bacteria helps to clear these sores up quickly.
Sulfonated carregeenans are the elements in marine algae that help fight off viruses. These grant additional immune system defenses and are also believed to help fight against the Herpes 1 virus, particularly.
Cholesterol is something that needs to be monitored and regulated. Luckily, red marine algae is known to lower cholesterol slightly, making it popular, especially among Westerners.
Eastern Medicine
Red marine algae has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times as a tonic. It is said to improve qi flow by removing obstructions in the body, which hints at the detoxifying properties of the supplement.