How Effective Is Hydroxycut?
How Hydroxycut Works
Hydroxycut suppresses enzymes that turn carbohydrates into fatty acids. The reduction in fatty acid leads to weight loss and increases glucose production, which is said to reduce appetite.
Experiments confirmed that large doses of hydroxycitric acid, which is the active ingredient in Hydroxycut, eliminates appetite and causes weight loss in mice. These results have been shown experimentally and validated.
Effectiveness in Humans
Studies have been conflicting on the effectiveness of Hydroxycut on human weight loss. Some studies have shown no correlations between taking Hydroxycut and weight loss, and others have shown small increases in weight loss.
Mimimal Effect
At best, Hydroxycut has been shown to increase weight loss by only a fraction. This limited increase mixed with the heath risk makes it a dangerous alternative to other supplements.
Key May Be Dosage
The key to making Hydroxycut effective in weight loss may be the dosage. The mice were given much higher concentrations of hydroxycitric acid than those found in diet supplements. Given the link between Hydroxycut and liver damage, however, increasing the dosage could be very dangerous.