Good Uses for Bacteria
Bacteria have been used for thousands of years in the production of food. Cheese, pickles, soy sauce, sauerkraut, vinegar, wine and yogurt are all examples of the usefulness of bacteria.
Chemical Uses
Bacteria are used in the chemical industry to make pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals. Since they grow easily and quickly, they can be used in molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry.
Other Uses
Our understanding of bacteria allows the biotechnology field to produce insulin, growth factors and antibodies for the medical industry.
Some bacteria, such as acidophilus, are considered "friendly." Many species of bacteria live in our intestines, promoting good digestion and immune health.
Future Uses
Bioremediation is the waste-processing of toxic pollutants by bacteria, in order to turn harmful sewage into innocuous substances. Biological pest control is an environmentally friendly way to protect crops, with little to no effect on humans, wildlife, or pollinators and other beneficial insects. Bacteria can even be used to help us produce electricity without fossil fuels.