Green Vibrance Side Effects
Complete Nutrition
Green Vibrance provides an abundance of trace minerals and essential nutrients that many people do not get in their diet. Taken on a regular basis, these nutrients can boast the immune system, ward off disease and improve overall health.
Improves Digestion
The heavy concentration of chlorophyll in Green Vibrance cleans out any built-up waste and toxins that have collected in the body. This can improve metabolism and the body's absorption of nutrients from foods, making digestion easier.
Boosts Energy and Endurance
Since green juice contains pure calories found in vegetables and no refined sugar, all ingredients get metabolized properly in the body, which is used as energy instead of stored as fat. An increase in energy is also correlated with an improvement in mood and mental clarity.
Protects Against Disease
Green Vibrance contains a plethora of natural and undiluted vitamins, minerals and polyphenols, such as wheat grass and lecithin, that are believed to protect the body from illness and disease. These elements support intestinal and liver health and improve the flow of oxygen. They can also protect against cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
The antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E in Green Vibrance can slow the aging process by protecting against damage from free radicals. Green vegetables also contain a rich source of calcium, which is a necessary nutrient for bones as they age.
Green Vibrance contains the powerful antioxidants acerola, ginkgo biloba and grape seed, which can improve oxygen flow and circulation throughout the body.