How to Detox Your Body in a Week
Things You'll Need
- Purified water
- Raw fruits and vegetables
Eliminate your bad habits. Even if it is only for a week, during your week-long detox you will want to make sure that you are not introducing any new toxins into the body. This means that during your detox you will not want to smoke, drink alcohol, or even drink coffee. You will also want to cut out the refined sugars and high saturated fat foods.
Drink lots of water. One of the most important parts of any fast is drinking a lot of water. You should drink about half their body weight in ounces of water. During your fast, you should be drinking at least one 8 oz. glass of water every hour that you are awake. This can result in an increase of urination, but that is what you want since urine is one great way for toxins to leave your body. Be sure that the water you are drinking is purified during your detox.
Modify your eating habits. Many detox programs have you starve yourself. However, you can still detox your body just by modifying the foods that you eat. First, think organic. Most organic foods have less preservatives and chemical additives than non-organic options. This is especially important for fruits and vegetables that have peels that you eat. Second, focus on raw foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. This will ensure that you are still getting the nutrients you need, as well as a healthy fiber boost to help clean out your colon. Leafy green vegetables are also a great addition to your detox as they contain non-soluble fiber that can help clean your insides as it passes through the digestive system. You should try to eat and drink 100 percent raw organic foods and purified water during your detox.
Reduce the stress. Whether it is yoga or stress relief mental exercises, reducing your stress will boost the effectiveness of you fast. Stress releases adrenaline into your system. If your body is trying to detoxify the adrenaline out of your body, it is going to significantly slow down the ability of the liver to detoxify the other chemicals and toxins in your body that you are trying to get out of your system.
Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important parts of a detox. Exercise increases the blood flow to the bod, which helps bring oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of your body. This helps to increase the effectiveness of the tissues of your body, and also helps promote overall health.
End your detox with a massage. As a massage therapist applies pressure to your muscles, it both encourages blood flow to the muscle, as well as helps encourage the muscle tissue to empty its toxins back into the bloodstream to be removed from the body. It is imperative that you double your water intake after a massage. If you fail to drink enough water after your massage treatment, you could end up feeling sick, or your muscles could reabsorb the toxins leaving you with sore muscles.