What Is Nutramigen Formula?
There are two types of Nutramigen formula: Nutramigen and Nutramigen AA. Nutramigen is an elemental formula and is tolerated by many children with allergies and intolerances. Rather than being based on milk or soy proteins like typical formulas, Nutramigen AA is based on amino acids. This makes it an option for children with multiple severe allergies.
Nutramigen and Nutramigen AA are used for children who can't tolerate dairy or soy proteins. Both formulas may be used past the first year, if necessary, as a primary or secondary source of nutrition.
Nutramigen and Nutramigen AA are available as powdered formulas. Nutramigen can also be bought in ready-to-feed form. Nutramigen AA is mixed differently than standard infant formulas at a ratio of 1 scoop of powder to 1 fluid oz. water.
Nutramigen formulas aren't necessary or right for every baby. If your baby has allergies, colic or other conditions, you may find that Nutramigen relieves symptoms within a few days. Allow at least 2 weeks to see the full effects.
Nutramigen formulas don't smell, look or taste like typical infant formulas. Infants may be resistant or reluctant due to this but will adjust quickly.