Side Effects of Blue Green Algae
Blue green algae, also called AFA, plant plankton and phytoplankton, among many other names, has been used since antiquity to deal with a variety of health issues, such as weight loss and treating viruses. Although this medicine may be taken orally, and seems to have some mainstream acceptance, it does have side effects. Due to the phenylalanine in the algae those with a genetic condition called phenokytoneria in which phenylalanine cannot be broken down should not take this product. There are other harmful effects as well.-
Common Side Effects
Common negative effects of taking blue green algae include headache, muscle pain, a flush face, nausea, upset stomanch, trouble with concentration and sweating.
Other Problems
If the algae was obtained in a non-controlled or natural setting it may have heavy metal contaminants. Diarrhea and liver damage have been mentioned as side effects in these instances.
Blue green algae may be taken to decrease cholesterol levels, boost the immune system and lose weight.
This algae has been scientifically shown to contain large amounts of beta-carotene, B-complex vitamins, Vitamin E and up to 70 percent protein.
Other Warnings
Some preparations of blue green algae are liquid in nature. Those who have liver damage, alcohol problems or diabetes may not be able to take the algae in this form.