Brain Food for Concentration
There are many theories amongst experts about foods and beverages that promote focus enhancing. The brain relies on the foods we eat for optimum performance. No matter what theories that are going around, it has been proven that eating the right foods can boost the IQ, improve concentration and sharpen memory. Because thinking is a biochemical process, brain cells require neurotransmitter chemicals to create neutral pathways and communicate with each other.-
The three basic neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. These have been proven to supply the brain with the right chemicals to keep the brain firing at optimum levels.
Acetylcholine (Ach) is used to excite neurons and helps to improve memory. Foods that are rich in acetylcholine are wheat germ, liver, broccoli, cabbage, fish, milk, egg yolks and other meats.
Dopamine helps to improve the movement, concentration, learning and memory. Eat plenty of proteins to supply the brain with enough dopamine.
Serotonin helps with improve concentration by improving modes and serves as the brain's reward system. Foods rich in serotonin are pasty, like potatoes, bread and other starches.
Omega-3 fats help to supply the brain with all three of the necessary neurotransmitters so that better concentration can be received. You can take it in pill form or in oily fishes.