Foods to Eat for Chronic Constipation
Chronic constipation is usually directly related to the food that goes into the body. A diet high in processed, low-fiber foods will often result in constipation issues. Whole foods need to be a regular part of the diet.-
What Causes Constipation?
Constipation can be a result of a number of things. Stress, lack of fiber in the diet, not drinking enough water, enzyme deficiency or a problem with the colon can all be possible factors.
Medical Issues
See a doctor to first rule out a medical cause for the constipation.
Fiber in the diet will have the best effect on resolving constipation. There are two types -- soluble and insoluble -- and your food intake should include a mix of both.
Processed Foods
Processed foods should be avoided. The fiber content of processed foods is usually very low due to the food being processed. The healthy fiber-containing part of the grain or vegetable is removed when it is processed and mixed in with the other ingredients.
Whole grains should be included in a healthy diet. The fiber amounts will have a positive effect on the constipation. An example of whole grains to include are brown rice, oats, bran, quinoa and cornmeal.
Fruits and vegetables have high fiber amounts and should make up a large part of the diet.