What Foods Provide Fiber?
Fiber is an important part of any diet. Fiber helps the body to push food though the digestive system. It also absorbs water and eases defecation. There are two types of fiber, both important for their own reasons. Soluble fiber absorbs water. Certain beneficial health-promoting compounds are created during the fermentation of soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not absorb water but helps to speed the time it takes for stool to go through the digestive system by making it bulkier and softer.-
Legumes such as beans, soybeans and peas provide soluble fiber.
Grains and cereal grains such as barley, oats, rye, and chia are a source of soluble fiber.
Certain fruits and fruit juices provide one or both soluble and insoluble fiber. Berries, bananas, apples, pears, plums and prune juice provide soluble fiber. Tomato skins are a source of insoluble fiber.
Many vegetables provide either or both soluble and insoluble fiber. Carrots, artichokes, broccoli, potatoes and onions are sources of soluble fiber. The skins of potatoes and onions provide insoluble fiber. Cauliflower, green beans, celery, zucchini and nopal provide soluble fiber.
Flax Seed
Flax seed is a source of insoluble fiber. It can be found in many cereals, yogurts and oatmeal, as well in liquid form.