How to Treat Adrenal Insufficiency With Diet
Cut out the sugar. Since hypoglycemia can occur with low adrenal function, it is a good idea to stabilize blood sugar levels. One of way of doing this is by cutting out simple sugars, such as cookies, candy, soda, cakes and processed baked goods.
Eat more fiber. Fiber is found in complex carbohydrates. Unlike simple carbs, complex carbs get digested at a slower pace, which can help keep blood sugar levels under control. Some examples of high-fiber foods are whole grains, beans, oat bran, vegetables and psyllium husks.
Cut out the stimulants. Products that have caffeine in them can exacerbate low adrenal function. Anything that has caffeine or other stimulants should be avoided. Some examples of these include coffee, energy drinks, nonherbal teas and soft drinks.
Eat frequently. Eating small, balanced meals throughout the day can give you energy and also help keep blood sugar levels in check. This can be beneficial to low adrenal function. Eat meals every 2 to 3 hours.
Use some supplements. There are various supplements that are used to treat adrenal insufficiency. They help to regulate blood sugar, boost immunity and increase energy levels. Some of these include Vitamin C, licorice, chromium, echinacea and ginseng.