Different Kinds of Minerals Inside Our Body
Calcium is a vital mineral in the human body and does more than keep our bones healthy. It helps transport oxygen through our blood, regulates muscle contractions and enzymes, and allows our blood to clot when we are wounded.
Chromium helps us regulate our blood sugar and metabolism and assists the pancreas in the production of insulin.
Magnesium is necessary for over 100 of our bodily enzymes to function, and helps protect the heart, nerves and muscles.
Potassium helps our body retain and expel the correct amount of fluids to avoid bloat or dehydration, and also helps our muscles flex and contract.
Zinc is necessary for the metabolism of food and immunity to disease and infection. It activates over 200 necessary enzymes and even ensures that we can sexually reproduce.
Phosphorous works in conjunction with calcium and ensures the proper process and use of our body's energy. Phosphorous keeps our teeth and bones strong and healthy.