Pros & Cons of a High-Protein Diet
Protein is one of the three macronutrients essential for life. It boosts immunity, helps with cell regeneration and helps keep hair, skin and nails healthy.
Weight Loss
People often follow high-protein diets because they want to lose weight. Protein keeps you feeling full longer and takes more calories for the body to break it down.
Muscle Mass
When lifting weights, especially at a high intensity, muscle cells can get damaged. For this reason, protein is needed in higher amounts, so bodybuilders and weight lifters will use it to speed recoveries and build mass. They often supplement their meals with protein shakes.
If a lot of your protein comes from meat, especially red meat, or regular diary products, that protein can be high in fat. This can increase risk factors for heart disease and high cholesterol.
Insufficient Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the main fuel source of the body. When a high-protein diet is followed, carb intake is often low. This can lead to lethargy, brain fog and low amounts of fiber.
The kidneys and liver have to work harder to break down protein. People who have existing liver and kidney problems can exacerbate symptoms by eating too much protein.