How to Reduce Your Fat Intake
One of the easiest ways to reduce your fat intake, is to begin drinking skim milk. If you drink whole milk or 2% and just don't care for the taste of skim, even switching to 1% milk will make a difference.
Instead of using cream sauces, use olive oil based dressings. Olive oil is actually healthy when used sparingly and promotes a healthier heart.
Try to cut butter out of your daily routine, and if you need a replacement there's plenty of healthier versions of butter available.
Be cautious with your meat servings. Most people don't realize a serving of meat should be about 3 ounces. Try to make a limit of 4 ounces for lean chicken, and 3 ounces for any red meats. When going to a restaurant, never eat more than half of the serving.
If you eat out, try to choose healthier options. Ask for sauces and dressings to be on the side, so you can only use what's necessary. If going out for pizza, try to get light on the cheese, or a vegetable version. If the pizza is greasy, I always suggest trying to use a napkin to take off the outter grease. You'd be amazed (disgusted) by how much grease this can get rid of at some pizza joints.