Dangers of Aspartame in Diet Drinks
Aspartame is composed of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (methyl alcohol).
Aspartame's three ingredients are hazardous individually, but pose greater danger when combined.
After consumption of diet drinks, aspartame breaks down into its individual components upon reaching 86 degrees F in the body.
The three substances in aspartame have produced dangerous health effects in animals. Aspartic acid causes brain tumors, phenylalanine is linked to seizures and methanol is transformed into cancer-causing formaldehyde when acted upon by certain enzymes.
Regular consumers of diet drinks containing aspartame face the following dangers to their health: headaches, fatigue, depression, memory loss and constipation.
Aspartame was first introduced for use in diet drinks and other products in 1980, although the Food and Drug Administration's Board of Inquiry was on record cautioning against aspartame dangers.
Fun Fact
In 1985, the National Soft Drink Association stressed the dangers of aspartame and lobbied Congress to reject approval of the substance for use in regular and diet soft drinks.