Symptoms of Too Much Vitamin B12
The B-Complex Vitamins
B-complex vitamins include B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), B-5 (pantothenic acid), B-12, biotin and folate. These vitamins serve many purposes in your overall health including improving energy, the condition of skin and hair, maintaining gastrointestinal and blood cell function and many other benefits. People may take one B-complex supplement, take B-vitamins individually or get these vitamins through dietary sources.
Appropriate Dosage of B-12
Because the B-complex vitamins, including B-12, are water-soluble, they are not stored in your bod. You need a consistent source of these vitamins through either supplements or through food sources. Most people need about 2.4 mcg of B-12 each day, but some may day up to 6 mcg without negative side effects.
Benefits of Vitamin B-12
As with many B-complex vitamins, B-12 has many benefits including aiding the body's red blood cells and nervous system. It is also recognized as a vitamin that may help reduce stress for some individuals.
B-12 In Your Diet
The B-12 vitamin is found in common foods such as meat and fish. Another good source of the vitamin is in dairy products.
Negative Side Effects of Toxicity
Generally speaking, B-12 has a very low risk for toxicity, especially when your daily supply is from food sources or an oral supplement. However, if you take B-12 shots, which have become very popular for people seeking to increase their energy level or lose weight, you may be subject to some negative side effects such as diarrhea, insomnia or skin rashes.
Avoiding a B-12 Overdose
The most effective way to avoid an overdose of B-12 is to make sure that you receive your daily allowance through your diet or a vitamin supplement. If you are not sure that you have a B-12 deficiency, you should probably avoid taking B-12 injections.