Noni Health Benefits
Noni fruit and juice have been around for centuries, but a recently renewed interested in this plant is uncovering many significant health benefits. The key to noni's ability to help or heal certain medical conditions seems to be the presence of the alkaloid, xeronine. This nutrient activates enzymes that enhance the digestive process and better enables protein molecules to enter the cell walls. This is the fundamental way the body is nourished, as each cell is then empowered to perform certain functions for the betterment of the entire body. Therefore, the health benefits associated with noni juice hinge on the presence of xeronine and its positive effect on key bodily systems.-
Improves Digestion
Noni juice both supports and stimulates the digestive process, promoting a more efficient breakdown of food into usable forms of nutrients. The laxative properties of this juice aid in the elimination of waste products, cleansing the colon and effectively maintaining a healthy environment in the lower intestine. Since digestion is enhanced, noni juice may also be able to control weight by eliminating cravings because the body is better nourished.
Supports the Immune System
Since noni juice increases the absorption of food, vital immune-supporting nutrients become more readily available to the body. In addition, noni juice improves the removal of waste products from the body, thereby limiting the cells' exposure to toxins that enter the body's system as a result of polluted air or water in the environment.
High in Antioxidants
Antioxidants are by-products produced when the cells in the body use oxygen. Known as free radicals, these substances cause cellular impairment throughout the body. Major diseases like cancer and diabetes are believed to be the result of oxidative damage. Noni juice contains a high percentage of antioxidants, which are able to disarm and destroy free radicals.
Pain-Relieving Properties
Noni juice is used successfully as an analgesic, relieving pain without side effects. This may be possible because of the interaction between xeronine and the cells. Xeronine creates a positive atmosphere for normal cellular functions, and this in turn, may promote a general feeling of wellness, which decreases the pain messages to the brain.
Shrinks Swollen Membranes
This property of noni juice makes it effective in relieving the discomforts of nasal congestion and hemorrhoids.
Noni juice decreases cellular inflammation, which contributes to the development of certain health problems like heart disease and cancer. The anti-inflammatory property also makes it an effective analgesic by removing the cause of the pain on a cellular level.
While not a substitute for antibiotics, the active nutritional components in noni juice, specifically anthraquinones, scopoletin and terpenes, can destroy bacteria and fungus.