About the Coconut Oil Diet
Those Helpful Fatty Acids
Coconut oil is the only healthy saturated fat. It contains MCFA's or medium chain fatty acids. According to the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at McGill University, MCFA's are more rapidly oxidized in the liver, and this process enables greater energy expenditure.
One Durable Oil
The diet calls for you to cook with coconut oil. Unlike other oils, coconut oil can endure extreme heat without breaking down. It also won't turn rancid if left at room temperature for extended periods.
Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, but it assimilates easily in your body (unlike other saturated fats). Because of this, your pancreas does less work and suffers less stress while breaking down the oil.
Using the Oil
Take 2 to 3 tbsp. of coconut oil a day as a supplement to your diet. Proponents of the diet claim that regular use promotes weight loss, combats infections and disease and for boosts immunity. However, these claims do not yet enjoy the support of definitive scientific studies
Buy the Best
If you try the diet, buy organic extra virgin coconut oil. Makers use the highest quality coconuts to manufacture this minimally processed product.
Coconut oil is also directly applied to the skin. It can be used foe massages and it keeps the skin smooth and soft.