Functions of Short Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the body's main source of short-term and long-term energy. Short carbs are responsible for short-term energy.
A short carb is the simplest form of carbohydrates. They give sweetness to food and are also used in conjunction with exercise.
The stored form of carbohydrates is called glycogen. This is used for energy when doing weight training. Short carbs are taken immediately after weightlifting to replenish the glycogen. They are usually taken with protein as well.
Cardiovascular exercise can also burn up a lot of stored glycogen. Short carbs are used after these events to quickly bring stored carbohydrate levels back up to normal.
During Exercise
Exercise lasting longer than 60 minutes starts to take it's toll on stored carbohydrates. If activity goes on longer than this, as in the case of a marathon for example, short carbs can be taken to keep energy levels high.
There are good and bad versions of short carbohydrates. Some good forms are fruit, milk, honey and maple syrup. Some bad short carbs are candy, cookies, cakes and pastries.