How to Make Diet Shakes
Things You'll Need
- Blender
- Protein powder
- Yogurt
- Fresh and frozen fruit
- Ice cubes
Get protein powder. Protein powder is one of the staples in a diet shake. They come in different flavors and varieties. Whey protein is a common kind that blends really well and is easily digested by the stomach.
Choose a fluid. In order to make a diet shake, you must have some form of liquid substrate to give it consistency. Choose water, juice, milk, milk alternatives, or any combination of them. It also depends on how many calories you are looking to get. To keep them lower, you would want to go with a fat-free milk or water.
Select some fruit. Adding fruit to diet shakes will give them more vitamins, minerals antioxidants and also fiber. Fresh or frozen fruit works well. Bananas cause shakes to be more frothy if you happen to like them thick. Some other examples would be blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and mangoes.
Add some fats. Just because they are diet shakes, doesn't mean they can't have fat, as long as it is essential fat. A good form in this case is from coconut. Get either extra virgin coconut oil or shredded coconut. Coconut has medium chain triglycerides which actually give you energy and also raise your metabolism.
Get some yogurt. This can be in frozen or regular form. There are a number of reasons why yogurt is good to throw into diet shakes. It is generally low on the glycemic index, it has a good amount of protein and it also has calcium. To keep the calories lower, choose low-fat versions.
Put it all together. Now make an actual shake. Here's an example to try. Place 8 ounces cold water in a blender. Throw in a chopped up frozen banana, 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 1/2 a cup of blueberries and one tbsp of shredded coconut. Put the top on and start the blender. As it's blending, lift the lid and add 3 ice cubes. This will make it thicker. This shake equals about 340 calories.