Foods Low in Calories & High in Energy
Proteins as Energy Boosters
There are simple low calorie, high energy choices. The best foods are high in protein but low in fat and calories. Proteins help to sustain blood sugar and maintain consistent energy levels.
Quick Low-Calorie High Energy Options: Fruit
People on-the-go can select low-calorie high energy foods easily. Fruits and vegetables are low-calorie, fat-free energy boosters. Apples, bananas, pears, kiwi, grapes, baby carrots and broccoli florets are all packed with vitamins and water for pure energy. For an added twist, mix fruit in low-fat yogurt or dip vegetables in low-fat ranch dressing.
A Box of Raisins Goes a Long Way
Raisins are another intelligent--a small box can easily be carried along for a quick snack. The calorie count is only 130 and raisins contain no fat and one gram of protein per serving. Raisins should be eaten in moderation due to the sugar content.
Grab a Cup of Yogurt On The Run
Low-fat plain yogurt is one clever option. One cup is packed with 12.9 grams of protein, 25 percent of a person's recommended daily allowance. It provides almost half of a person's daily calcium requirements and contains active yogurt cultures for optimal digestive health.
Cheese Please
In moderation, low-fat and low-calorie cheddar, goat and cottage cheeses will satisfy hunger pangs and daily protein requirements, and provide an energy boost. Cheeses should be eaten sparingly because of their salt content.