How to Do the Natural Liver Cleansing Diet
Remove food from your diet, especially those harmful to your body. The first step of the natural liver cleansing diet is to switch to an all-liquid diet for two to three days. This does not mean you can chug soda and coffee. Stick to water and 100 percent fruit juices, such as apple, grape and cranberry. Choose juices that contain only water and fruit juice.
Start the LSA mix: three parts linseed (flax seed), two parts sunflower seed and one part almond. This will give your body the essential fiber, fatty acids and nutrients it needs, as well as help feed the liver what it needs most. Buy it ground up (or do it yourself) and sprinkle on foods or mix up with your favorite foods. It is best with your breakfast in the morning.
Clean out your home. Remove any and all snack foods and foods and drinks with preservatives and chemicals. If you are not sure if something is bad for you or not, throw it away to be safe. Ask yourself if the food comes from the ground or a tree. If the answer is no, then throw it away. This is the perfect time to make a lifestyle change and start dieting healthier. If you have foods and/or drinks that have not been opened yet, take them to your local food bank to donate them.
Start to reintroduce foods to your diet. Try dark, green leafy vegetables, beets, artichokes, broccoli, onions, garlic, grapefruit, mangoes, papaya, lemons and kale. These foods are easy on your stomach, liver and entire digestive system. Make sure that your toast is plain with nothing on it. Eat these foods for the first one to two days after your liquid diet and continue to drink plenty of water and 100 percent fruit juice.
Eat more foods of a good variety. Begin introducing more foods to your diet, such as steamed vegetables and fruits. Browse your grocery store for healthy food choices. Add some healthy yogurt, milk, cereal, oatmeal and more to your diet. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, chocolate, soda, chips and cakes.