Reasons to Eat Healthy

Healthy eating may seem boring, but there are many good reasons why major health organizations, like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), recommend a healthy diet. A diet that focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats can keep your weight in check and help prevent a host of health problems down the road.
  1. Weight

    • A great reason to eat healthy is to keep your weight under control. The NIH has found that healthy foods, like whole grains and produce, have fewer calories and will fill you up faster than high-fat or processed foods.


    • A healthy diet may also help prevent type-2 diabetes. A study conducted at Harvard found that women who regularly eat whole grain products have a lower risk of developing type-2 diabetes than women who regularly consume refined grain products.

    High Blood Pressure

    • According to the NIH, eating a healthy diet can also reduce your risk of developing hypertension and can even help lower blood pressure that is already elevated.


    • Eating a healthy diet can also reduce your cholesterol, according to the NIH. They have found that replacing unhealthy fats, like saturated and trans fats, with healthy unsaturated fats can reduce your total cholesterol. Olive oil, fish and nuts are all good sources of healthy fats.


    • A review conducted by the National Cancer Institute found that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables may help protect against cancer. Dark green, bright red and bright yellow vegetables may be especially beneficial.

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