Foods That Contain High Cholesterol
Know the Difference Between Good and Bad Cholesterol
Foods that are high in cholesterol are not necessarily bad for you, as long as they contain the right kind. The "good" cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or HDL cholesterol. "Bad" cholesterol is called low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol foods should be eaten regularly, while LDL-containing foods should be eaten sparingly.
Foods that Contain Good Cholesterol
Olive oil, nuts and salmon are three foods rich in HDL. Eating more of these foods will raise your HDL levels, which is a good because HDL can carry more cholesterol to your liver, rather than leaving cholesterol to stick to your arterial walls.
Foods that Contain Bad Cholesterol
Dairy products, meat and junk food are high in bad cholesterol. If a food is high in saturated fat, it likely contains high amounts of LDL as well. One exception, however, is eggs: Though egg yolks contain high LDL, they are otherwise nutritious.
Can I Still Eat Foods Containing LDL?
You should see a doctor for a cholesterol test before you decide how much LDL cholesterol you should eat. If your doctor tells you that you have high LDL cholesterol, you should eat LDL foods extremely sparingly, no more than once per week.
How Can I Lower My Cholesterol?
To lower your cholesterol, you should try to eat more foods containing HDL. HDL acts as a cleansing system that can help clear your blood vessels of excess cholesterol. Try to eat more salmon instead of red meat, and dip your bread in olive oil rather than spreading it with butter.