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Foods That Are Highest in Protein
Meat and Fish
Steak and other beef is a very high source of protein. Pork, ham, bacon, buffalo, turkey and chicken are as well. Fish--particularly tuna, pike and cod--is an excellent protein source.
Cheese and Yogurt
All types of cheese, including soft, medium, hard and cottage cheese, provide a large amount of protein, as does yogurt.
Soy and Seaweed
People can obtain a large amount of protein from tofu and soybeans, as well as spirulina seaweed.
Nuts and Seeds
Many nuts and seeds are high in protein. Peanuts, almonds, cashews and pecans are the best choices for nuts, while sunflower, pumpkin and flax have the most protein in seeds.
Additional Sources
There are other very high protein sources not common in the average American or European diet. These include seal, whale, scoter duck, emu and octopus.