Health Benefits of Lemon Balm
Relief From Sores
Lemon balm can help heal and ease pain from sores caused by colds or herpes. The website NutraSanus (see Resources) recommends steeping its leaves in boiling water for approximately 15 minutes, then dipping cotton balls into the cooled water and applying them to sores.
Oral Treatment
The website Global Herbal Supplies (see Resources) recommends gargling with lemon balm if you have a sore throat or swishing it in your mouth to relieve toothaches. It is also beneficial as a regular mouthwash because the herb can kill bacteria.
Pain Reliever
According to (see Resources), lemon balm contains a pain reliever called eugenol. This makes it a good supplement to take for headaches, soreness or muscle spasms.
NutraSanus indicates that sedative properties in lemon balm can soothe the nerves of those who suffer from anxiety. In higher dosages, the plant can also relieve mild insomnia and overexcitement caused by dementia. However, lemon balm should not be used with other sedatives because the overall effect might be too powerful.
Menstrual Aid
- (see Resources) recommends drinking lemon balm tea to soothe ailments related to menstruation, such as cramps and premenstrual syndrome.
Improved Concentration
According to, a study by England's Northumbria University found that students who consumed lemon balm for a lengthy period of time showed substantial improvement in their test scores, and their enhanced performance lasted as long as six hours after ingesting the plant.
Gastrointestinal Aid
Global Herbal Supplies attributes numerous benefits to lemon balm regarding the digestive system. It can relieve an upset stomach, flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting and cramps related to colitis.