Broccoli Health Benefits
Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and contains phytochemicals called indoles and isothiocyanates that can boost the activity of enzymes in the body that suppress cancer-causing agents.
The vitamins and amino acids in broccoli make it an effective detoxifier that assists the body in ridding itself of toxins and free radicals--cleansing the blood and helping it eliminate the harms such toxins can cause.
The calcium, folic acid, iron, proteins, anti-oxidants, detoxifiers, phosphorus and other vitamins in broccoli provide ideal nutrition for women who are pregnant, helping them maintain regular tissue growth.
Broccoli is rich in cholesterol-reducing fiber, chromium and potassium, which can help control blood sugar and blood pressure in addition to decreasing blood cholesterol levels.
The vitamins and minerals in broccoli act as strengtheners for a person's immune system and defend the body from different types of infections.
The health benefits of broccoli have been associated with the prevention and restriction of medical conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, heart conditions, cancers and Alzheimer's disease.
Although broccoli can be prepared and cooked in various ways, steaming it or having it raw is the best way to eat broccoli because the nutrients are preserved at their highest content.