Health Benefits of Eating Chocolate
Chocolate is derived from beans that grow in pods on cacao trees. Though these plants originated in Central and South America, they have since been introduced to equatorial regions, including the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
Chocolate contains high levels of polyphenols called flavonoids. Flavonoids are naturally occurring substances that are found in plant-based foods. Other food items rich in flavonoids include fruits such as cranberries and apples; vegetables such as onions, spinach and asparagus; tea; and red wine. Flavonoids, like other polyphenols, are examples of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that can prevent damage to body cells and repair existing cell damage.
Chocolate Types
Chocolate comes in a variety of types. The three main types are dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. Dark chocolate has the greatest amount of cocoa solids (up to 75 percent). Milk chocolate is chocolate that has been combined with milk. It contains up to 20 percent cocoa solids. White chocolate is derived from sweetened cocoa butter mixed with milk solids. It does not contain any cocoa solids. Dark chocolate is the type of chocolate most often associated with health benefits. Dark chocolate has the most flavonoids of all the different types of chocolate. Research indicates that processing removes flavonoids from chocolate.
Heart Disease Prevention
Research at the University of California-Davis indicates that the high amount of flavonoids found in dark chocolate helps lower the risk of heart disease. Flavonoids in chocolate help prevent fatty substances in the blood from oxidizing and clogging arteries. A study published in Nature indicated that the antioxidant properties of chocolate help combat the free radicals associated with heart disease and related health problems. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a diet supplemented with dark chocolate led to minor reductions in bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, a condition that in turn could lead to a reduction in clogged arteries.
Lower Blood Pressure
Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicated that dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. A separate study in the Netherlands indicated that men who regularly ate cocoa products had lower blood pressure and were less likely to die from heart disease than those who did not regularly consume chocolate products. Other research indicates that flavonoids help arteries to remain flexible. Another scientific study indicates that chocolate has a quality similar to aspirin that helps prevent blood clots.
Although dark chocolate has been shown to help prevent heart disease, this doesn't mean you can eat chocolate with abandon. Because chocolate is a high-calorie food that is rich in saturated fat, it should be eaten in moderation.