HGH Cycle in Bodybuilding

Human Growth Hormone is a substance that is released naturally in the body by the pituitary gland. It is mainly responsible for proper growth of tissues, protein breakdown and fat utilization. With regard to bodybuilding, it is used by many bodybuilders as a way to gain mass and get a "ripped" look when competing.
  1. History

    • Human growth hormone was initially designed in the 1920s to help children who had stunted growth. The pituitary glands of cadavers were ground up and injected into these children, which led to normal growth. It has since evolved into a substance used for losing weight, slowing the aging process and mostly for building muscle.


    • The main function of cycling human growth hormone in bodybuilding is to increase the number of cells in the body, which includes the skeletal muscles. It also increases the rate of protein synthesis and the transport of amino acids. This all leads to fat loss and muscle gain.

    Time Frame

    • The average cycle of HGH is 5 to 8 months with 1 to 2 daily injections. For this time period it is usually used 7 days a week, then tapered off to either a 5 on 2 days off or a 6 on one day off schedule. It has a shelf life of about 30 to 45 minutes and peak blood concentrations in the body are recognized about 2 to 6 hours after injection. For quick fat loss, a cycle of 4 weeks is generally used.


    • Human growth hormone is made up of a chain of 191 amino acids. It is most effective when cycled with other other substances such as thyroid hormones, insulin and androgens. It is also undetectable with a urine test which is why it is favored by many athletes and bodybuilders. It also enhances body fat loss through a process called triglyceride hydrolysis.


    • The amount of HGH to take varies. It really all depends on the individual. For anti aging and and fat metabolization, 2 to 3 IUs a day is generally used, and for substantially increasing lean muscle mass and body composition, a minimum of 4 to 8 IUs is taken. For the greatest anabolic results, it is not uncommon to take amounts as high as 10 to 12 IUs per day.


    • When you're cycling with human growth hormone, the best approach to take is start off with a low dose and work your way up to your desired amount. This will help your body adapt and adjust slowly instead of getting shocked by a high amount right from the start. Another thing to take into consideration is the cost. Human growth hormone is not cheap. A daily dosage can range anywhere from $75 to $150.


    • Taking too much HGH can come with some debilitating and unwanted side effects. It can cause sore joints, bloating, enlargement of the organs and a condition known as acromegaly. This is characterized by an enlargement of the feet, hands, jaw, forehead and elbows.

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